Byron Eco Cruises & Kayaks depart from the wharf on the riverside of the building at the Brunswick Heads Boat Harbour.
Car Parking
There is 1 accessible parking space. It is situated on the roadside of the building. It is a short flat walk of approximately 50m to the wharf.
Access to the cruise boat via 4 steps and ramp onto the boat at the wharf at Brunswick Heads Boat Harbour
Drop off Points
If a customer finds it difficult to walk very far they can be driven close to the wharf where cruise staff are on hand to assist them to board the boat. The driver can then park the car. At the end of the cruise, the driver can pick the person up from the same place.

Boat Access
Access from the wharf to the boat loading area is via 4 steps. From there access to the boat is via a strong metal gangplank and then down 2 steps onto the boat deck. Once on boardwalk step over the doorway lip approx. 75ml high into the main cabin where the floor is flat and seats are easily accessible. Cruise staff can assist customers up and down the steps and to board and disembark the boat. People with walkers can also be assisted. Unfortunately, due to the lack of loading facilities at the wharf, the boat it is not wheelchair accessible.
Photos show:
Access through the door of the cruise boat showing striped warning tape for door lip.
Cruise boat arriving back at the wharf after a cruise.
Passengers departing the cruise boat at the wharf at Brunswick Heads.
Passengers going up the steps onto the wharf
The cruise boat has a toilet on board but it is not wheelchair accessible. The nearest accessible toilet is in Riverside Park Brunswick Heads.